
Kids traffic safety

Road safety education is very important for the safety of children. Accidents and dangers can be avoided if kids know the traffic rules as where you must cross the street, the importance of helmet or seatbelt, how the traffic lights works or how to behave in the car and on the street.
It is important to encourage road safety education to protect children. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility helping to reduce traffic accidents with children

Traffic safety videos

Kids can learn the basic rules of child road safety with the animated series Green Light

child road safety video, safety belt for children
The Seat Belt
child road safety video, Pedestrian traffic lights
Pedestrian traffic lights
child road safety video, Traffic Police
Traffic Police
child road safety video, Getting off a bus
Getting off a bus
child road safety video, Walking along the road without playing
Walking along the road safety
child road safety video, Getting out of the car
Getting out of the car
traffic-signs-video-learning-safetyTraffic signs

Road safety activities

Coloring traffic signs


Kids traffic safety articles

Learn the most important traffic signs

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