
Glumpers Halloween App for iPhone and iPad

 Glumpers halloween: videos and games

New application for iPad and iPhone of Glumpers, Special Halloween!

Now available at the App Store! Download it now!

Spend a fun time with the games and the scary videos of Glumpers!

Glumpers’ APP free version includes a jigsaw puzzle game, with different pictures & levels and a terrifyingly funny episode entitled “Night of Terror”.

You can download the full version which includes 6 classic and entertaining games for children with the cool characters of Glumpers as protagonists.

Games contained in the application


Jigsaw game
6 puzzles, 3 levels


Find the differences..
6 Levels


Opens the door of the labyrinth and find the exit. 3 Levels


Juego niños app aplicacion movil glumpers

Jump on moving objects by moving the tablet or mobile.


Juego oriental Mahjong parejas con dibujos Glumpers aplicación

 Game to find the pairs. Solitaire
6 Levels


juegos figuras fichas tangram glumpers aplicación

Play putting the pieces into the figures in the shortest time possible.

Besides all this games, the gift of another 5 episodes of cartoons: “UFO”, “Zapping”, “The Burial”, “Surprise Party”, “Snowboard”. Have fun over and over again with your friends watching the Glumpers.

Beat levels, share the score on Game Center and challenge your friends to improve yourself!

Find it on the App Store!

Other Glumpers’ APP, discover them!

icono app navidades niños, christmas kids app

Glumpers Christmas

App feed fubble icono. aplicación infantil juego niños

Feed Fubble game

Glumpers vídeos

glumpers-all-the-funny-episodes-HD-ppv-channel free-videos-glumpers-cartoon-for-kids

More about Glumpers

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apps-para-ninos-infantiles-personajes-dibujos-animados Games for kids, minigames online for children.

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