
Chocolate chips cookies receipt

Let’s cook with the kids delicious chocolate cookies for breakfast, snack or dessert. Chocolate cookies are very tasty and more when they are homemade… Telmo and Tula will tell us the recipe!

Cookie recipe Ingredients:

  • 200 gr. of sugar
  • 200 gr. of brown sugar
  • 200 gr. of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 350 gr. of flour
  • 1/2 half teaspoon of bicarbonate
  • 200 gr. of chocolate chips
  • butter for greasing the bowl
  • a bit of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

You will also need for chocolate cookies:

  • A bowl
  • A wooden spoon
  • A tray

Preparation time:
 20 min
Oven time: 10 min

Cookies preparation:

step one receipt chocolate cookies ingredients– First of all call to an adult to light and warm the oven to 180 degrees

– Put the sugar and brown sugar, butter and eggs in a bowl. Mix up everything with a wooden spoon, and in the meanwhile add a little of salt.

telmo and tula mixes chocolate biscuits recipe ingredients

– We have to mix it well, then you add the flour, bicarbonate and vanilla. Continue mixing and add chocolate chips.

– Brush the bowl or pan with a little of butter. With the help of a spoon we will be taking the chocolate mass and put it on the tray while you make cookie shapes.

put chocolate biscuits on the tray

– Ask mom or dad to help you put the chocolate chip cookies in the oven.

– 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees, and ready to go! What a delicious cookies!

You can combine the chocolate chips with chopped nuts for a change, for example with walnuts or hazelnuts.

Telmo and Tula have cartoons that teaches how to make chocolate cookies Let’s watch it!

Telmo and Tula video, cookies recipe

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