
Cartoon videos of Alex, discover the world

 Educative cartoons for preschoolers>

Alex and the Jungle animals

cartoon video of a Lion children discover animals
The Lion
Watch children's educational cartoon video of a Tiger
The Tiger
Watch video gorillas educational kids drawings
The Gorilla
video de dibujos de la jrafa, aprender los animalesThe giraffe

Alex and the Sea animals

Watch children's educational cartoons video dolphin
The Dolphin
Watch children's educational cartoon video octopus
The Octopus
Watch children's educational cartoon video sea turtle
Sea Turtle
video dibujos la ballena, aprender animalesThe whale

Alex and the Music, musical instruments

cartoon video guitar musical instrument
The Guitar
learn about the trumpet instrument with a cartoon video
The Trumpet
Watch children's educational music cartoon video piano
The Piano
Instrumentos musicales la bateria, recursos musica para niñosDrum kit

Alex and the Magical Orchard: fruits and vegetables

Video of children's cartoons, drawings about the melon fruit
The Melon
Watch children's educational cartoon video orange fruit
The Oranges
Video dibujos de los tomates, aprender los vegetalesThe tomatoes

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Alex is an educational cartoons kids series to entertain and amuse children while helping them discover the world surrounding them. Alex is a 5 years old curious boy who loves to discover and understand the world around him.

Alex videos

List of all Alex episodes

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Activities for kids Pictures images of cartoon characters

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