Glumpers Applications for iPhone y iPad!

APP Glumpers special Christmas, Now available in the AppStore
There is a New applications of glumpers for Christmas time, spend a great time with the games for kids and the funny cartoon videos of the Glumpers, special winter and Christmas!
Download free Glumpers APP includes the game “Glumpers Labyrinth”, where you’ll find 3 different levels, each of them featured by one of the Glumpers characters, also includes the funny episode “Gobo Noel”.
You can get the full version, unlocking the complete APP where you can watch five additional cartoon animation videos of the TV series: And
Sky Day, The Video, Avalanche!, Roller Skating, Ecological Spirit and you can play with kids the Glumpers minigames
Games contained in the APP
Applications for fun with the kids at Christmas. Helps overcome Glumpers levels, share the score on Game Center and challenge your friends to improve yourself!