
Glumpers App for kids, winter and christmas themed

 Glumpers Christmas: videos and games

Glumpers Applications for iPhone y iPad!

Glumpers Feed Fubble APP game for ios, download in the app store
APP Glumpers special Christmas, Now available in the AppStore

There is a New applications of glumpers for Christmas time, spend a great time with the games for kids and the funny cartoon videos of the Glumpers, special winter and Christmas!

app para niños de los Glumpers especial Navidad

Download free Glumpers APP includes the game “Glumpers Labyrinth”, where you’ll find 3 different levels, each of them featured by one of the Glumpers characters, also includes the funny episode “Gobo Noel”.

You can get the full version, unlocking the complete APP where you can watch five additional cartoon animation videos of the TV series: And

Sky Day, The Video, Avalanche!, Roller Skating, Ecological Spirit and you can play with kids the Glumpers minigames

Games contained in the APP


juego app niños glumpers jigsaw puzzle

Jigsaw game.
3 levels, 6 different pictures


juego para niños de diferencias en imagenes de los glumpers

Find the differences between Glumpers Christmas pictures.
6 Levels


juego laberinto para niños, app glumpers

Find and open maze door to go out. 3 levels


salta moviendo el dispositivo, juego niños

Jump on the objects, play by moving the device.


Juego oriental Mahjong parejas con dibujos Glumpers aplicación

 Oriental solitaire game. Find the pairs.
6 Levels


juegos figuras fichas tangram glumpers aplicación

Play putting the pieces onto the figure.

Applications for fun with the kids at Christmas. Helps overcome Glumpers levels, share the score on Game Center and challenge your friends to improve yourself!

We also have other applications with different themed episodes! Discover them!

icono app glumpers halloween

Glumpers Halloween

App feed fubble icono. aplicación infantil juego niños

Feed Fubble game

Glumpers vídeos

glumpers-all-the-funny-episodes-HD-ppv-channel free-videos-glumpers-cartoon-for-kids

More about Glumpers

activities-with-cartoon-characters-for-children Pictures images of cartoon characters
apps-para-ninos-infantiles-personajes-dibujos-animados Games for kids, minigames online for children.

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